
Showing posts from 2019

When remission is not an option . . .

     The inevitable cancer question circles around often, "So, are you in remission?". This emotionally charged question challenges me, but I know that those who ask the question care about me and it is comforting to know that they hope for healing. Each time it comes up, my answer becomes a little more calm and confident. "Medically speaking, remission is not a possibility for me." It hurts to speak those words some days. No cure for Stage IV Lung cancer exists today.        Most of the time I closely follow that sentence with, "With God, all things are possible, (Matt 19:26) I know he CAN do a miracle, if he chooses to."   I believe deep within my heart that IF God chooses to sweep away every last cancer cell in my body, He will.  While I ground my soul in that knowledge, I keep in mind the apostle Paul's  words in to the Corinthians, "Everything is permitted, but everything isn't beneficial (for me)" (1 Corinthians 10:23, ...

A "Thank You" Letter

January 22, 2019 I struggled to write the same post for over a month.  Then, tired of the struggle, I quit writing.  Last week, a letter that brewed in my head for years came spilling out in a matter of hours.  The time was right to say these words.  I mailed it the next morning, so if there are any typos, I would prefer to remain in the dark about them for now!  Blessing, Christine January 15, 2019 Dear Mrs. Beth Moore,                 I sit here today with a copy of your book “Praying God’s Word” beside me.   Once again, God is operating through your words and ministry to refine my faith and develop my trust in Him. Thank you for allowing God to work through you.   I deeply appreciate your willingness to trust him and allow your name and reputation to daily face the fire from the enemy in order to strengthen, enlighten and edify members of the...