Sayonara to the Fishies

Late one winter evening, we were enjoying the end of a lovely celebration.  The guests had gone, but the sweet feeling of fun and companionship lingered.  The scattered dishes were slowly making their way to the sink. 

Suddenly, "Crack!  Splash! AHHHHHH!!!!"  (Imagine a high pitched girly scream.  Oh, was that me???)

Water and glass covered the kitchen floor.  Two little fish flopped helplessly.  The rescue had begun. 

The little fish were gathered and put in a temporary home.  The glass and water were slowly and meticulously cleaned.  What a mess . . . .what a drama.  As my sweet hubby congratulated me with his (slightly sarcastic), "Way to go, Grace", he comforted me with this thought, "At least, it'll be a funny story."

I sighed, "Why do all our funny stories have to do with me doing something silly????"  (Yes, this is a confession.  I broke our fish tank with . . . . an empty coffee cup!!!!)

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