You know you've been hit by a stomach bug when . . . .
10. The clothes washer runs both day and night.
9. You celebrate each wet diaper because:
wet diaper = no dehydration
8. You forget your current diet, because you can't consider eating anything because of all the "messes" you've cleaned up!!!!
7. You measure your children's fluid intake in ounce instead of sippy cups.
6. NO MILK!!!!!
5. You welcome BRATs in your house.
(Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast)
4. Saltines become the food of choice.
3. Soda pop is served for breakfast . . . . and lunch, and dinner and . . . .
2. You call TUMS "candy" to bribe your child to eat one, hoping it will settle their stomach.
1. You're thrilled your children are ornery because it means they're getting better.
9. You celebrate each wet diaper because:
wet diaper = no dehydration
8. You forget your current diet, because you can't consider eating anything because of all the "messes" you've cleaned up!!!!
7. You measure your children's fluid intake in ounce instead of sippy cups.
6. NO MILK!!!!!
5. You welcome BRATs in your house.
(Bananas, Rice, Apples, Toast)
4. Saltines become the food of choice.
3. Soda pop is served for breakfast . . . . and lunch, and dinner and . . . .
2. You call TUMS "candy" to bribe your child to eat one, hoping it will settle their stomach.
1. You're thrilled your children are ornery because it means they're getting better.