School days, school days!

After one long, lazy, hot summer, we are staring down the barrel of  the last week of summer break.  At the end of it, we will be catapulted into the fast pace of school days.  Monday morning, we will open the books and get to learning.

The excitement is building.  Yesterday, we cleaned the office . . . also know here as the school room.  We then opened the boxes of books that have sat in the entry way of our house for two weeks.  Until yesterday, I was not able to face the fact that summer break was ending soon. 

I had avoided the office/school room like it carried some terrible disease.  The disease that it carried (other than the dust from being ignored so long) was responsibility.   I was not ready to face it.  Every year, at the end of the school year, I have a terrible case of burn out.  It takes me the whole summer to get over it. 

While opening those boxes of books and organizing the shelves for each of the boys, I realized something . . .  I am getting excited about school again!  It is always nice to WANT to go back to your (other) full time job.  I know that homeschooling is my choice, but let me tell you, it is the hardest job I have ever taken on.  Between taking care of the kids, the house and schooling, I am busy, busy, busy. 

The summer has prepared me for the task at hand.  I  am ready for the challenge ahead.  The boys are ready for the task at hand.  Brother in the Middle is thrilled to be starting Kindergarden.  So, as we prepare this week for the start of school and the time of rest is coming to a close, I know we are ready. 

"School days, school days,
Dear old golden rule days.
'Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic,
Taught to the tune of a hick'ry stick."

~Words and Lyrics by Cobbs & Edwards

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

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