Words to live by Wednesday - Clearing out the clutter
I don't know what it is about the first breaths of fall breathing down my neck, but it really makes me want to clean house. It's the opposite of spring cleaning. Every fall, the urge to purge the clutter that has crept into my home reigns supreme for about two weeks. This year, I have dubbed September, "Clear Out the Clutter Month"!
As I was walking with the kids yesterday afternoon, I pondered this yearly phenomenon. It occurred to me, that I need clutter cleaned out of my heart as well. I've gotten bogged down in my own "stuff", and need spiritual refreshing. These verses came to my mind.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners shall be converted to You.
~ Psalm 51 10-13 NKJV
As the clutter is moving out of my house, I am praying that the Lord work on me as well.
As I was walking with the kids yesterday afternoon, I pondered this yearly phenomenon. It occurred to me, that I need clutter cleaned out of my heart as well. I've gotten bogged down in my own "stuff", and need spiritual refreshing. These verses came to my mind.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,
And sinners shall be converted to You.
~ Psalm 51 10-13 NKJV
As the clutter is moving out of my house, I am praying that the Lord work on me as well.