Christmas Preparation Week - The Nativity
I must admit, I have an obsession with nativity scenes. I love to decorate with nativity scenes, and I have many displayed throughout the house during the month of December. I even have one that I leave up year-round in my office. I do think that my obsession comes with a very reasonble explanation.
Simply put, they remind me of the "Reason for the Season". I love to have reminders throughout the house of Christs' birth. When I see them, I have a physical reminder of why we are celebrating. It helps me focus, slow down and enjoy the little moments.
As Christmas Day comes closer and closer and the prepartaions gain momentum, I pray for the peace of the Lord to fill your home and ours!
Simply put, they remind me of the "Reason for the Season". I love to have reminders throughout the house of Christs' birth. When I see them, I have a physical reminder of why we are celebrating. It helps me focus, slow down and enjoy the little moments.
As Christmas Day comes closer and closer and the prepartaions gain momentum, I pray for the peace of the Lord to fill your home and ours!