Little Hands Loving Others

Recently, I have been thinking about serving others.  A friend just mentioned to me the other day that she saw a need to get her children involved in community service projects.  That resonated with me.  I took what she said to heart, and when I saw a notice in our church bulletin about a "Valentine's Day Cookie Drive" for our United States Service Men and Women, I jumped at the chance.

When I brought the subject up with the boys, they grew excited.  "Mom, we just made cards for them in our Sunday School class.  We can make cookies, too?!?!"  What a blessing.  They have already been talking about this in Sunday School, and now we get to continue at home.  When Friday rolled around, we "rolled out" the cookie dough.  It was so much fun to work on this project together.  The boys were thrilled to be doing something for someone else.  Even Little Man got into the spirit when he helped carry the cookies to the car.

Watching the boys as they worked to bless someone they had never even met opened my eyes.  They were happy and joyful.  They sang, laughed and told jokes.  Their joy was infectious.  It made it so clear to me that "little hands" can be used to bless and love others.  You don't have to be "big" or "grown up" to make a difference.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to see my boys hearts and hands willing to serve.

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